


上記の「日本語のローマ字表記の推奨形式」でも紹介されていましたが、Japan Style sheetという本では日本語について英語で記載する際の書き方等について詳しく説明しています↓

  • Society of Writers, Editors and Translators (1998) Japan style sheet: the SWET guide for writers, editors and translators, rev. edn. Tokyo: Stone Bridge Press



例えばこの前紹介した以下の本のMaynard (2008)の論文(詳しくはこちら)では、以下のような注記がありました。

  • Jones, Kimberly, and Tsuyoshi Ono, eds. Style shifting in Japanese. Vol. 180. John Benjamins Publishing, 2008.

“Japanese transliteration is given in phonetic orthography referred to as the Hepburn style, with the following additional conventions. In presenting double consonants, before cha, chi, cho and chu, t is added, thus instead of icchi ‘agreement’, itchi is used. Syllabic n is written n unless it immediately precedes a vowel, in which case it is written n’. The glottal stop, written as small tsu in Japanese, is spelled out as tt- For long vowels, unless conventionalized otherwise, double vowels are used. Morphological divisions are made for the purpose of convenience only.” (p. 101)

同じ本のIkura (2008)の論文でも以下のように注記していました。
In the transcription, consonants are based on the Hepburn system, while a long vowel is indicated by doubling the vowel. […]
(p. 72)